Call 311 for information about city services or if you want to report an issue

Call 311 for information about city services or if you want to report an issue

You can log issues on the 311 website, or call 311 to log an issue or to get information about New York City services.

When reporting an issue, all of the local government officials and Community Board 6 have asked us to report first to 311 and get a case number that you can refer to when speaking with CB6 or local politicians. Your issue will get counted in the statistics this way! The more complaints that are reported about a specific issue, the faster the City will respond.

Grafitti, litter, noise, homeless assistance, unsafe traffic, condition of streets or sidewalks, and more can be reported to 311. You can also let us know at

If you see illegal activity or immediate danger, call 911.


Contact Community Board 6 (CB6)

Telephone: 212-319-3750

Fax: 212-319-3772



Overflowing garbage cans belonging to the NYC Department of Sanitation: