Murray Hill Businesses Came Together for the Spring B2B Networking Event

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Murray Hill Businesses Came Together for the Spring B2B Networking Event

The rainy evening on Thursday, May 30th didn’t daunt Murray Hill businesses, who gathered in the beautiful (and tented) back garden at Kalvig & Shorter Veterinary Associates for the Spring B2B networking event. These networking events always provide an opportunity for everyone to share their 'elevator pitch' and tell the others about their business, and the room was filled with lots of ideas on how to cross market business efforts.

This event would not have been possible without our generous host and co-sponsor Kalvig & Shorter Veterinary Associates. Refreshments were courtesy of Tastes Brands providing specialty cocktails, The Fishionista ® for making seafood sliders, House of Wine and Liquor for providing delicious Summer Rosé wine, and the hands-down very best guacamole and chips ever from Al Pastor, The Pod Hotel. We thank them!

The Murray Hill Neighborhood Association’s Business Networking Committee presented this event and will continue to offer interesting and unique opportunities for businesses to network and socialize. You can contact co-chairs Lilli Seidman Davis and Michael-Ann Rowe at for further information regarding membership, involvement, sponsorship, or providing discounts to MHNA members to help promote your business. Stay tuned for our next event!

Photo by Adrienne Gurman/Buzz Generation