Legislation and executive orders

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Gov. Cuomo's website:  governor.ny.gov  

Cuomo's coronavirus updates:  coronavirus.health.ny.gov/home

Read more about the Stay-at-home (PAUSE) executive order

National, New York State and New York City States of Emergency
Effective 3/13/2020, a national emergency was declared. A national state of emergency allows the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide disaster relief funding to state and local governments, as well as federal assistance to support the coronavirus response. The law allows the agency to circumvent legal barriers to more quickly distribute such aid. (Source: nbcnews.comRead more.

5/10/2020 A new executive order from the governor has extended his emergency powers through June 7.

Tax payments

The deadline to pay Federal and State income taxes has been extended to July 15th.

Sales Tax in NYS, the failure to timely remit sales tax will not be subject to interest or penalties. 

All paper filings under this announcement should be marked “COVID-19” on the top center of the first page. The same relief will be provided to adversely affected electronic filers.

Any taxpayer that receives a Notice asserting a late filing, late payment or underpayment penalty for this period may submit an abatement request to Department of Finance (DOF) and the penalty will be waived. Requests may also be made using the DOF online portal at nyc.gov/dofaccount, or via email to Penalty_Abatements@finance.nyc.gov. Please include the letter identification on your notice, or your EIN.

Price Gouging

As certain disinfectants and sanitizers have been in high-demand, various retailers are increasing the price of, or price gouging, these products. The products that retailers cannot increase prices on by more than 10% include:
thermometers, baby/sanitizing wipes, paper towels, latex gloves, face masks, fever reducers, cough suppressants, zinc oxide supplements, facial tissue, toilet paper, rubbing alcohol, and aloe vera. If you notice this, please contact Council Member Keith Powers's office at kpowers@council.nyc.gov. New Yorkers are urged to call the Price Gouging hotline: 1-800-697-1220 or complete the consumer complaint form to report unfair price increases of products such as household cleaning supplies and hand sanitizer amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

Emergency Paid Sick Leave Bill

Effective 3/18/2020, the bill guarantees paid leave for New Yorkers who are under mandatory or precautionary quarantine due to COVID-19. This bill mandates that there is no waiting period for unemployment assistance for any employee whose place of work closes due to COVID-19. Sick leave benefits under this bill vary by employer size. For those with 10 or fewer workers, unpaid sick leave is available until the emergency order is lifted and workers are elibible for the paid family leave program ($840.70/week) with the difference made up via the disability insurance program (up to $2,043/week). For employers with 11 to 99 employees and all high-earning small employers, employees are guaranteed 5 days of paid sick leave. For all public employers and those with more than 100 employees, 14 days of paid sick leave are mandated. Also, sick leave taken due to COVID-19 will not be counted against already accrued sick leave.

Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Supported by Rep. Carolyn Maloney, this bill provides paid sick leave, paid family and medical leave, and free coronavirus testing to everyone who needs it, enhances unemployment insurance, strengthens food security initiatives, and increases funding for the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP).   

Bill Would Allow Public Bodies To Hold Meetings Via Teleconference
March 12, 2020, nystateofpolitics.com, by Nick Reisman
A bill backed by Sen. Brad Hoylman would allow public bodies like community boards and community education councils to conduct their meetings through teleconference and not through in-person meetings during declared emergencies. The measure is meant to halt the spread of coronavirus in New York, while still allowing governing bodies to meet and conduct business.


Governor Cuomo announced that the New York State presidential primary has been moved to June 23, 2020.

4/9/2020 Executive Order 202.15 authorizes electronic applications for absentee ballots without needing an in-person signature or appearance.

Virtual notarization

4/8/2020 The Governor has authorized virtual notarization of documents. For more information, including requirements visit governor.ny.gov/news/no-2027-continuing-temporary-suspension-and-modification-laws-relating-disaster-emergency.