Volunteer to Join a Committee

The Murray Hill Neighborhood Association has several active committees, including the ones listed below. We encourage fellow members of the MHNA to join us and become part of a working committee. Please email us at info@murrayhillnyc.org if you are interested in volunteering.

Committee Function Volunteer Opportunities
Annual Festival on Park Avenue Produces the longest-running annual street fair in New York City, including walking tours of historic Murray Hill, a neighborhood silent auction, book sales, and a bake sale. Volunteers assist in setting up the fair and help staff tables and events on the day of the fair.
Community Board Liaison Presents the views and interests of the Murray Hill Neighborhood Association to Community Board 6, the Midtown East Community Association, and other civic groups. Informs the neighborhood about significant community issues and reports back on MECA and other community meetings. Volunteers are encouraged to attend community meetings and report to the committees on key issues.
Events Develops annual programs of interesting excursions, holiday parties and various other social activities. Volunteers create events that are of interest to members, and report on them for the newsletter.
Grants Works with with government and private entities to secure grants and funds that are used to fulfill the Murray Hill Neighborhood Association's mission. Volunteers work with the chair to research grant opportunities, write grant applications, and encourage sponsorships.
Green and Clean  Maintains the natural beauty of our neighborhood, through tree care, tree pit maintenance, fertilization of neighborhood trees, refuse removal, and other activities. Volunteers work with the chair to help raise money and to maintain area tree beds.
Patrons of Park Avenue POPA raises funds for the Park Avenue Mall beautification and maintenance. Volunteers help to maintain the malls. Volunteers work with the chair to help raise money and to maintain the beautiful Park Avenue malls.
Membership and Membership Development Works to increase the visibility and outreach from the Murray Hill Neighborhood Association to the community and maintains the Association's membership records. Volunteers work with the chair to promote individual, couple and business memberships, maintain and track member information, and respond to membership questions.
Merchant Discount Program

Obtains discounts from neighborhood businesses for members of the Murray Hill Neighborhood Association. Solicits donations of goods or services for the annual block party and other MHNA events.

Volunteers work with the chair to connect with businesses to encourage them to participate in the discount program and in other activities of the MHNA.
Merchant Liaison Works to increase the visibility of the Murray Hill neighborhood association among businesses in our neighborhood. Volunteers are encouraged to promote business participation in the activities of the Association by conveying business concerns to the Association and encouraging business membership.
Newsletter Reports on neighborhood activities and issues of concern to our members, partners, and prospective members. The newsletter is published three times a year in print and electronic media, as well as on the Association's website. Volunteers write articles, solicit advertisers, and produce the newsletter. 
Preservation & Design Advocates preservation and protection of the historic low-scale residential character of Murray Hill, including the various architectural styles of its brownstone row houses, townhouses and converted carriage houses through contact with government agencies, residents, and other public programs. Volunteers work with the committee to research the history of the area and its buildings, and to support the other activities of the committee.
Public Safety Offers programs dealing with community safety and links the residents of Murray Hill to the 17th Precinct Community Council. Volunteers are encouraged to work with the chair by attending public meetings, monitoring and reporting on issues.
Quality of Life Liaises with other committees and community organizations to enhance the sense of well-being and continue to ensure the quality of life in our neighborhood. Volunteers attend community meetings, monitor quality of life issues, report issues to 311, and raise issues if they are encountered.
Social Media Maintains the Murray Hill Neighborhood Association's presence on Facebook. Volunteers work with the chair to provide images and texts for Facebook posts.
Third Avenue Champions for the improvement and beautification of Third Avenue between 34th and 39th Street Volunteers help with outreach to Third Avenue businesses, monitor and raise issues, and report issues to 311.
Traffic and Transportation Addresses traffic and parking issues in Murray Hill. Volunteers provide updates to the website and Facebook, and monitor and report on issues to the newsletter and to the trustees.
Website Maintains the Murray Hill Neighborhood Association website. Volunteers are encouraged to write news articles for the website, provide updates and ideas, and to perform website administration functions.


Guidelines for Volunteers